Thursday, March 31, 2011

Vulnerability and Power

Hello bright souls!

Yesterday afternoon I was listening to a teleconference put on by The Feminine Shift; in which the speaker said something that struck a cord with me.  She said “the more vulnerable you are the more powerful you are.”  What a profound statement, so profound that I am still digesting it.  I wanted to share this with you because I believe this is something that we all need to look into; this could be the catalyst for a shift in your life. 

This was my thought, how is it possible that I could really become more powerful the more vulnerable I am?  Fear grips at my soul and mind strings when I feel vulnerable and my usual response is to hold back and not follow through for fear of failure and the thought of what others will think or say of me. 

But when I have been feeling vulnerable in a relationship I have found myself at my most creative with my writing.  So… what I am thinking then is that if I allow myself to be vulnerable in that moment, like I am now by writing these thoughts, that my creation will make me feel more empowered over the fear that I have of putting my writing out into the universe.  You see what I mean by I am still digesting this great notion of power and vulnerability.  This is good because just as I write these words I feel lighter, brighter and super energized; because although I don’t know exactly what it will mean to me I can feel the power that it has.  This is a great place to be at!

Sat nam



  1. Thought invoking indeed Ajinder, thank you so much for sharing.

    I suppose being vulnerable also entails being open, open to life experiences and to others. When we close ourselves off in an attempt to reduce vulnerability to life, we also reduce our power because power comes from being part of the collective that is life. There is no power in isolation.


  2. Toadiejaylor you have, as always, put it so well. When we feel vulnerable we end up isolating ourselves for fear of hurt and failure. We must find the power in ourselves and being part of the collective is key.

    Thank you for stopping by and adding to the conversation.
