Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Just Be

So you find yourself ready for a change for a transition.  You have been dedicating plenty of time to yourself and to the betterment of who you are and why you are.  You feel good about how far you have come and how much you have accomplished but you also know that there are a lot of things you have not even started and that your soul is screaming out to you to start working on to let them escape and grow into big huge wonderful ideas and plans and projects and life.

How do you move from here?  What do you do who do you speak to how do you proceed.  What if you don’t even know what it is you want to do?  You just know you want to serve humanity by using your gift and allow its power to help them.  But you don’t have a clue as to what that could be.  What do you do then?

The answer is simple you open up your mind and allow it to flow and let the energy that you are come rushing through you and just be.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tomorrow is Another Day!

So often we hear or remind ourselves that tomorrow is another day all in hopes to get our expectations up that tomorrow will be a better day then what we had today especially if it was a particularly bad one.  Being a positive force in the world is a very good thing, not just for those around us for ourselves in particular. 

Having a positive attitude and demeanor is a great characteristic to have as part of your personality.  I have not always found it easy to be this type of energy and have very easily gone from positive bloom to a negative weed.  In recent years I have been working much more to make sure I am always a positive bloom that continues to spread bright positive loving feelings.  It has not always been easy to do that but practice makes perfect, right?

Today I find myself reflecting on how important it is to have a positive attitude because I am having a nuclear test for my thyroid tomorrow because there appears to be a growth that just nine months ago was .3 cm and not its more like 3 to 4 centimeters long.  So the goal of how to handle this situation is to be optimistic and stay positive that everything will be okay and the end result will be not only a good one but the right one for me at this time in my life.

I just wanted to come and post and share with all of you how wonderful and positive I am feeling today and how great of a feeling that is so great that I wanted to share and spread that energy with all of you.

Namaste and Sat nam
