Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Just Be

So you find yourself ready for a change for a transition.  You have been dedicating plenty of time to yourself and to the betterment of who you are and why you are.  You feel good about how far you have come and how much you have accomplished but you also know that there are a lot of things you have not even started and that your soul is screaming out to you to start working on to let them escape and grow into big huge wonderful ideas and plans and projects and life.

How do you move from here?  What do you do who do you speak to how do you proceed.  What if you don’t even know what it is you want to do?  You just know you want to serve humanity by using your gift and allow its power to help them.  But you don’t have a clue as to what that could be.  What do you do then?

The answer is simple you open up your mind and allow it to flow and let the energy that you are come rushing through you and just be.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tomorrow is Another Day!

So often we hear or remind ourselves that tomorrow is another day all in hopes to get our expectations up that tomorrow will be a better day then what we had today especially if it was a particularly bad one.  Being a positive force in the world is a very good thing, not just for those around us for ourselves in particular. 

Having a positive attitude and demeanor is a great characteristic to have as part of your personality.  I have not always found it easy to be this type of energy and have very easily gone from positive bloom to a negative weed.  In recent years I have been working much more to make sure I am always a positive bloom that continues to spread bright positive loving feelings.  It has not always been easy to do that but practice makes perfect, right?

Today I find myself reflecting on how important it is to have a positive attitude because I am having a nuclear test for my thyroid tomorrow because there appears to be a growth that just nine months ago was .3 cm and not its more like 3 to 4 centimeters long.  So the goal of how to handle this situation is to be optimistic and stay positive that everything will be okay and the end result will be not only a good one but the right one for me at this time in my life.

I just wanted to come and post and share with all of you how wonderful and positive I am feeling today and how great of a feeling that is so great that I wanted to share and spread that energy with all of you.

Namaste and Sat nam


Monday, April 25, 2011

Moment in time

It has been a while since I last blogged.  I have been focused the last two weeks on my physical body.  Preoccupied with my eating habits and exercising.  I joined my company gym and their sponsorship of Weight Watchers.  You see all of my life I have had issues with my weight.  My first marriage was a very unhappy one in huge part because I was over weight and he had issues with my looks.

Which should tell you how insecure I have been my entire life about my looks and actually my entire life decisions.  I have held myself back in so many different ways because of my lack of self esteem.  Then it all snow balled from there.

This life have been such a roller coaster just like many I am sure.  I have been blessed that my roller coasters have not been placed in haunted houses like those of many human spirits.  I have issues to work with and through and I know that and am consciously aware that I have now such a better opportunity to solve these opportunities with grace and ease thanks to all the tools and the support system I am growing around me.

Life couldn't be better than it is now.  Keep a positive outlook and everything will turn for the best, it always does I have found.

Sat nam

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


So often we find ourselves taken off balance by things that happen to us throughout our life.  That has happened to me five days ago.  It turns out I have a health issue I will need to look into with testing and possible biopsy.  The problem is the long wait for that test to happen is making everything seem more difficult and complicated than it really is.  Which makes me feel a bit stuck.  I am still processing this whole health issue but now that there have been several days since the whole the situation came about I am feeling a bit more stable and that is a good thing.  Why rush into doom when it is not needed at all.  I must continue to be the person I have always been and allow my feelings their space not discount them but not let them blow up out of proportion.  Just a simple game of balance, right?  I know one thing for certain its my attitude towards this entire situation that will dictate so much of my life and how I live the next few weeks until that test.  It will all be just fine, yes it will!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Four Agreements

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz is a great read that leaves you with so much insight into possibilities for how your life can be with a few small conscious changes.  If you have the opportunity pick it up and read it this Spring do so. 

Two of those agreements have been big ones for me, " Don't Take Anything Personally and Don't Make Assumptions."  I have had the tendency in the past to allow these two things to dictate my emotional state and as a consequence have I gone into very deep depression moments that have lasted from days to months.  Since I read this book  I can honestly say it has allowed me to look at my life from a different perspective and changed my view of situations and people.

Reading a book can change your life.  Pick up this book and give it an opportunity.

I hope you have a beautiful bright day!

Sat nam

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

With Courage

Allow yourself to have the courage to be the best YOU that you are from deep down within.  It's so easy to hide who you really are after years and even decades of doing it, it becomes easier then being you.  Peel back the layers, like the onion, yes it will make you cry but the end result will be the true beauty you are.  Try it on for size.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Song Bird Take Action

Morning song bird at my window reminds me that we are in the middle of spring.  Planting new seeds has brought the possibility of new blooms.  Have you sat down and written your seed  thoughts of what you want to see in your garden of dreams this summer?  If not, well get to it!  Take action now...

Friday, April 1, 2011

This is your life.

Do what you love and do it often.  If you don’t like something, change it.  If you don’t have enough time, stop watching TV.  If you are looking for the love of you life, stop they will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love.  Stop over analyzing, all the motions are beautiful.  When you eat, appreciate every last bit.  Life is simple.  Open your mind, arms and heart to new things and people; we are united in our differences.  Ask the next person you see what their passion is, and share your inspiring dream with them.  Travel often; getting lost will help you find yourself.  Some opportunities only come once, seize them.  Life is about the people you meet, and the things you create with them so go out and start creating.  Life is short.  Live your dream, and wear your passion.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Vulnerability and Power

Hello bright souls!

Yesterday afternoon I was listening to a teleconference put on by The Feminine Shift; in which the speaker said something that struck a cord with me.  She said “the more vulnerable you are the more powerful you are.”  What a profound statement, so profound that I am still digesting it.  I wanted to share this with you because I believe this is something that we all need to look into; this could be the catalyst for a shift in your life. 

This was my thought, how is it possible that I could really become more powerful the more vulnerable I am?  Fear grips at my soul and mind strings when I feel vulnerable and my usual response is to hold back and not follow through for fear of failure and the thought of what others will think or say of me. 

But when I have been feeling vulnerable in a relationship I have found myself at my most creative with my writing.  So… what I am thinking then is that if I allow myself to be vulnerable in that moment, like I am now by writing these thoughts, that my creation will make me feel more empowered over the fear that I have of putting my writing out into the universe.  You see what I mean by I am still digesting this great notion of power and vulnerability.  This is good because just as I write these words I feel lighter, brighter and super energized; because although I don’t know exactly what it will mean to me I can feel the power that it has.  This is a great place to be at!

Sat nam


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Welcome to Ajinder’s Third Eye!

For a very long time I have had the desire to create a blog and share my thoughts with the whomever would be interested in reading my insights into life via my rosy (or not so rosy) colored glasses.

I have put a lot of thought into the desire to write.  I have been journaling since I was 15 thanks to Mr. Garrett my English and homeroom teacher.  Through out the years I have compiled dozens of notebooks and journals detailing my feelings and daily comings and goings.  Journaling has brought much needed comfort and sanity during very difficult times in my life.

I had plenty of teenage love secrets, sad and lonely days when I thought my life had come to an end and I would not survive.  I wrote poetry and love letters in my journal during those days.  Then I grew up and my life was pretty good, until I got married for the first time and it wasn’t pretty good anymore and I took refuge once more in my journals.  I poured my very intimate feelings in those journals but kept out my dark scary thoughts in fear that if they came to fruition it would not appear as premeditated anything.  My journaling has been with me through some very tough times and plenty of very happy ones.  But I must admit that it’s during the dark times that my journal has spent more time with me and listen to all I have in my heart and needed to share.

Writing is a dream of mine one that has been kept hidden within my journal pages and my heart for fear of failure and of making a fool of myself.  Due to those self imposed limitations of my creativity I have held back my need to create with my writing.  I love this form of communication with the world.  I love a new journal with fresh pages just waiting for the ink to glade through its surface; the look of a computer page waiting for the thoughts to come pouring out via the key strokes. 

I want to write so much more but I don’t want to scare anyone away or not be comprehensive enough with all that sits with my soul ready to share with the universe, with you! 

My intention is to write once a week to start, then followed by daily insightful questions to ask you for that day and ponder your life experience through.

Thank you for stopping by please keep coming back and sharing with me your thoughts and life experiences together we all make up the great net of humanity of the universe.

Sat Nam
(Sat Nam means Truth is my identity and I call upon the eternal Truth that resides in all of us.)
